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My head-to-toe body book
Téléchargement Gratuit My head-to-toe body book
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 64 pages
Editeur : Thames & Hudson Ltd; Édition : Reprint (6 juillet 2017)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0500651302
ISBN-13: 978-0500651308
Dimensions du produit:
22,6 x 1 x 30 cm
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What a great book. My 4 y.o. loves it.
Koko and Alex are the two little guys who escort the young grade school readers through the human body. Written by a group of London based designers, authors, and illustrators who develop science based themes for a young audience under the name of Okido, this book is an impressive representation of their work. You can start by examining the brain and think about what it does, or play a memory game, and then test the five senses. Look at the heart, and think about blood, and then there are germs. What about the body’s enclosing blanket, the skin the covers the muscles and the bones. There are games galore to play that help elucidate how the body functions, even a recipe to bake some cookie people. Picture puzzles invite the reader to select the correct ingredients, and kids will delight in the section describing pee and poop. A game covering various body noises with keep the kids giggling as they mimic the sounds of burps, snores, sneezes, coughs, pulses, and even the involuntary fart. This is a book full of colorfully crafted ideas, activities, games, information, that is geared to the beginning student.
The book was about the human body and how it works. The pictures were very colorful too. There were four main characters in the book that took the reader through an extraordinary adventure through the human body. There were also fun games, activities and experiments for kids to try.I think other people would enjoy it because it has fun hands on activities that encourage kids to learn amore about how the human body works.The most interesting thing about this book was that they used games, puzzles and activities to teach about the human body. Some of the games were hopscotch, I-Spy and Simon-Says.Both boys and girls ages 4-8 would like this book. The older kids would like this book because it has fun experiments to try. The younger kids would like this book because it has cute pictures to look at.Review by Young Mensan Roksanna, age 7
I bought this for my four year old, and while many of the activities are a stretch for his developmental level, this is a really wonderful starter book for basic concepts about the many functions of the body. It is accessible without being over-simplified. As a school district librarian, I would suggest that this is appropriate for preschool students through about age 8, and I do intend to purchase a copy for my school system. I look forward to reading other books from this publisher that appear to be written in the same vein.
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