Ebook Bad pharma
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Bad pharma
Ebook Bad pharma
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 462 pages
Editeur : 4th (2013)
Collection : 4 th
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 000749808X
ISBN-13: 978-0007498086
Dimensions du produit:
12,9 x 3,5 x 19,8 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.7 étoiles sur 5
4 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
147.468 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Ce livre permet d'avoir une idée juste du fonctionnement de l'industrie pharmaceutique au sens large du terme. En effet, il est question ici de la totalité de la chaine du médicament : du chimiste au consommateur, en passant par les instances de régulations.C'est un cadeau que nous fait ici Ben Goldacre en permettant avec un livre simple, bien écrit et clair de connaitre les raisons des scandales qui entourent cette industrie. Il réussit l'exploit d'éviter les faiblesses habituelles du genre, à savoir un discourt moralisateur où l'ont porte un acteur en pâture sans voire la totalité du problème.Si vous êtes un minimum intéressé par cette problématique, et vous l'êtes assurément en lisant ceci, ce livre est à lire absolument.Le seul petit défaut, il n'est pas encore traduit en français mais il vaut très largement l'effort.
Même si l'on sait que l'industrie pharmaceutique est un monde de business uniquement intéressé par l'argent, la lecture de ce livre est extrêmement intéressante. Les détails relatifs aux tests pharmaceutiques et à la publication des résultats sont effrayants. L'auteur documente beaucoup ces propos et est passionné. Je recommande vivement ce livre.
witty and pleasant for readers,uncomfortable for pharma….all Health Professional and Student in Epidemiology classes should read itand Authorities who wants to contribute to improve quality of life...
I think that we all know too little about what goes on the world of the pharmaceutical industry and if we were better informed maybe we would look at our doctor and what he prescribes us with very different eyes! We still want to believe that the world is, if not perfect quite good and that no one would hurt us on purpose and surely not only in order to make money but well.... The truth is that we live in a capitalist society where profits go above everything else and yes... people do hurt us, if not on purpose at least knowingly, others hurt us because they don't really care about anything else but they own financial well being, etc. We are now responsible for our own health and think otherwise is put ourselves and our families in danger! Either we want to get informed and try to protect ourselves as well as we possibly can, either we don't and then we are responsible for what happens to us. We can't wait for strangers to take the responsibility! The era of the nice village doctor who really cared if gone maybe forever! Now you have people who will make a lot of money because of the fact that you are ill, a lot more than if you were healthy and trying to keep you healthy is not an option for them. Sometimes making you more ill it is! Ben Goldacre is a doctor and therefore is somehow biased on some subjects but he is not afraid to say what he thinks and to dig till he gets a lot of dirt out. A dangerous business if you ask me.... But well, he is not afraid to do it!As I said I don't agree with everything he says. His distrust of homeopathy is shared by many within the allopathic establishment and I am sure that there are some quacks around in the natural medicine, of course there are, but there are a lot of good therapies as well! I have had very good results with homeopathy, even with my children when they were tiny and saw them get better when allopathic medicine had no idea how to treat them so, anybody who tells me that it is all rubbish needs maybe to think again. He is also against vitamins and minerals. Of course this market has also been taken over by Big Pharma big time and no one can stop that! I have just noticed that the vitamins I am taking at this moment are manufactured by Merck, not good news..... but to say that anyone who advises patients to take vitamins and minerals are quacks.... Well, that is showing very little knowledge on the subject! Maybe Dr. Goldacre would like to read a bit about Linus Pauling?That said.... What goes on in the pharmaceutical world is bordering criminal and the amount of money they often pay to settle cases shows exactly that. Ben Goldacre also gives suggestions of how this all could be changed but I don't hold my breath.... It won't change any time soon! The book can get a bit repetitive at times but all in all is very much worth reading! Read it and then make up your mind, don't read it and you might regret it!
Bad Pharma highlights serious issues with the way the pharmaceutical industry works today. In the book Ben highlights the problems with the industry from several angles, how the tests can be tweaked, how negative tests are not published, how you can make a neutral test appear positive by sub-dividing the goals and then emphasize the fluke positive one. He also shows how the medical journals are part of the problem and the issue with ghost written articles. He shows the problems with the regulatory side as well, for example the European Medicines Agency, their lack of transparency, and how they have effectively blocked access to critical data for researchers. All through the book Ben makes use of well documented examples, and all the issues highlighted are well documented and exemplified.The book is written in an easy to access language, and so it reads well. He does repeat himself a bit, so one more round of editing and cleanup before release would probably have been a good idea. Some readers on amazon.co.uk have criticised this, but I don't see it as an issue.You don't need to have a degree in medicine or a higher degree in general to understand the issues Ben highlights.Ben Goldacre runs the Bad Science website (badscience dot net) and has previously written the book Bad Science. Where Bad Science was an attack on quackery and pseudo science, and his website to a large degree has dealt with the same topics, this book is a critical look at the pharmaceutical industry. As such it ought to silence those that have attacked Ben Goldacre for being in the pockets of the Pharmaceutical industry over time.Ben Goldacre has done society a big favour by writing this book. I definitely recommend reading it if you want to understand more about how US and European health care works and what can be done to improve it in the future.
I've always enjoyed when Penn &Teller do a truck and fool me,explain HOW they fooled me ,and then ,having just explained how they do it,fool me once again as they repeat their trick! I find it less enjoyable wen pharmaceutical companies repeatedly pull the wool over my eyes,but I REALLY appreciate Dr. Goldacre showing me so many ways that Pharma uses to trick me . Again and again. What I don't fully understand,as a long-practicing physician in the twilight of my career,is how Pharma can repeatedly change primary outcomes for trials ,rewrite a protocol and pass off negative results as positive results. Well,I didn't understand this before,nor did I understand the prevalence of that cute maneuver, but at least now I understand how commonplace it is and how complicit or willfully stupid the journal editors are who let this go on. Ionnidis' famous article on how what u read in journals is likely NOT true was amazing. This book is just astounding in explaining the old Mark Twain quote "It ain't what u don't know that gits u (or is it your patient?)in trouble, it's what u know for sure that just ain't so." This enjoyable vade mecum explains almost exactly how we get to know so much for sure that" just ain't so." Thanx Dr Goldacre.
Explaining Big Pharm Problems Using Pop Stars“…the bar is very low: that drugs must only prove that they are better than nothing, even when there are highly effective treatments on the market already.“ — Goldacre, Ben "Bad Pharma: …â€Let me explain the above:Say there’s a drug for ‘XYZ Disease’ on the market named “ ‘Yonce †that is 80 - 85% effective in stopping growth right in its tracks. Most people use ‘Yonce, and are fairly happy with it, but nobody would mind if someone made it 100% effective.Along comes a research company named SwiftMoney and dumps millions into research and development in hopes of marketing a competing drug to “‘Yonce†because wow ‘Yonce is a hit and SwiftMoney wants a piece of the pie.So SwiftMoney churns out a drug named, ‘TaylorSwift,’ however, it turns out all their millions are for naught. The drug they’ve developed is only minimally effective — about 20 - 30% effective in stopping ‘XYZ Disease,’ even worse, in 10% of the subjects tested the drug actually proved harmful.Luckily SwitftMoney is not legally required by the FDA to report, nor publish, negative results of drug trials if they don’t wish to. In that very manner SwiftMoney can carry out 10 clinical trials and publish the results from the 2 trials that had positive outcomes, and bury the 8 trials that showed no favorable outcome, or even worse showed negative outcomes. As long as SwiftMoney can prove that their drug is better than a placebo — a dummy pill — like the drug ‘Friday’ by pharmaceutical company ‘RebeccaBlack’ then the FDA will allow the marketing of ‘Taylor.’So SwiftMoney floods the market with their subpar drug named ‘TaylorSwift’(1) and spends millions and millions in marketing to convince people that they should buy Taylor instead of ‘Yonce(2).Trial data that shows unflattering evidence is simply withheld from doctors and patients, and this practice is commonplace. What we all really need is a nonprofit organization called KANYE to stand up and say: “Look, TaylorSwift, Imma let you market your drug, ‘cause this is a free market economy, but everybody deserves to know that ‘Yonce has the best ‘xyz drug’ of all time, up until this time.†In that way doctors and patients are making actual informed decisions.What I’ve written about is only a small part of how nasty the whole problem truly is, I suggest picking up a copy of “Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients†by Ben Goldacre for yourselves.Thank you for your time.We all need Yeezus!—ewitty(1.) [“This means that real patients are given dummy placebo pills for no good reason, but also that drugs appear on the market which are worse than the treatments we already have.†— Bad Pharma: …â€](2.) ["pharmaceutical companies spend tens of billions of pounds every year trying to change the treatment decisions of doctors: in fact, they spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as they do on the research and development of new drugs. — Bad Pharma: …â€]
Probably the most important book I've read this year. While I've been sceptical of Big Pharma for a long time, I was shocked and horrified to know just how bad things are. There are massive issues around funding, loopholes for approvals, and not publishing unfavourable results skewing the safety and efficiency perceptions of drugs. Bad Pharma isn't anti science - rather the opposite - Ben Goldacre is a doctor and science journalist, and advocates for sticking to the scientific method, full disclosure and advocating for the interest of the patients - not the drug companies. I can't recommend this enough.
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